The most interesting part of my life, when I explore the world of music, I studied early I do not know where to start.
SD elementary school when I get a lot of friends who can play guitar musical instrument. I think not a lot of live music berniatan to start by getting to know what the guitar, and so far I've been able to play a musical instrument is more than just guitar, but the bass - drums, and piano.
to this day I am still in the learning process, because it will not be endless.

Iman Prabawa: Sharing Learning via the Internet 

Iman Prabawa was born in the town of Pekalongan that is cool on April 26, 1978, the son of man, a figure then mensharingkan what does she know about the drum via the internet. He is very persistent mensharingkan Sciences reserved his drums on the blog learn drummiliknya. Initially faith prabawa start by making videos from a camera phone. At the time he ditantangin by a friend who saw what had been done by faith in his rental studio prabawa in Bogor. 

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Corn Patty (Perkedel Jagung)


•150 grams of wheat flour

•2 medium sweet corn

•4 eggs

•1,5 teaspoon of Salt

•3 red onion

•2 cloves of medium garlic

•¼ teaspoon of black pepper

•¼ tablespoon of sugar

•Frying oil

•3 red chili

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“grammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. Linguists do not normally use the term to refer to orthographical rules, although usage books and style guides that call themselves grammars may also refer to spelling and punctuation.”
In addition to the general definition as above, there are some experts who define Grammar languages ??with different styles like Greenbaum and Leech. Leech et al (1982: 3)
Defines grammar as:
"Reference to the Mechanism According to the which language works when it is used to Communicate with other people.Grammar Is a mechanism for puttin
g words together, but we have said little about the sound of meaning. "

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Pengertian Abstrak dan Cara Membuat Abstrak

Abstrak adalah bagian ringkas suatu uraian yang merupakan gagasan utama dari suatu pembahasan yang akan diuraikan. Abstrak digunakan sebagai “jembatan” untuk me­mahami uraian yang akan disajikan dalam suatu karangan (biasanya laporan atau artikel ilmiah) terutama untuk memahami ide-ide per­masalahannya. Dari abstrak, pembaca dapat mengetahui jalan pikiran penulis laporan/artikel ilmiah tersebut dan mengetahui gambaran umum tulisan secara lengkap.

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contoh-contoh daftar pustaka yang baik dan benar


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Kutipan adalah pinjaman pendapat dari seseorang, baik berupa tulisan dalam buku, majalah, surat kabar, atau bentuk tulisan lainnya, maupun dalam bentuk lisan. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh bentuk kutipan.

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